
Air Force Emblem Humidor

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Air Force Humidor will make anyone associated with the Air Force proud. This limited edition cigar humidor has the United States Air Force emblem on the top and an embedded medal with the Great Seal of the United States of America in weathered gold on the front. The exterior is handcrafted cherry wood. With a Spanish cedar interior, brass hidden quadrant piano hinges, cedar tray and dividers, brass hygrometer, brass lock and keys, metal with resin humidifier and brass handles, this humidor will make you feel like the Chief of Staff of the Air Force. As soon as you open your new humidor, you will see the official American bald eagle's wings outstretched in the center of the humidifier. It holds up to 120 cigars, depending on the size of the cigars. The size of the Air Force One humidor is approximately 15 inches x 9 3/4 inches x 6 3/8 inches.

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